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Here at Five Seasons Learning, everyone is a beginner with wisdom to share. In our community minded courses we offer both practitioners and humanity at large a myriad of ways to reintegrate into the natural flow of the seasons and life itself.

Who We Are & Why We Do What We Do
New Courses and Offers Added Quarterly

Gender Identity and Chinese Medicine Ethics

Transitioning to a Membership Practice

Introduction to the Five Elements

Acu Membership Book Club

The Five Elements of Creativity
This is the place to reignite your curiosity about life.

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein
Whether you are here for continuing education credits, a learner engaging in public courses, or a practitioner joining one of our discussion groups, you are part of our community.
Easy platform
We provide a modern, easy to use platform that you can navigate at your convenience. Download audio, listen to lectures, take quizzes and earn CEUs/PDAs all with ease.
Great Service
Our motto is “Everything we do here teaches.” This includes the content we share, the ways we share it, and how we interact with people moment to moment. We treat you like you belong, because you do.
We're All Professionals at Life
This is a level playing field. We are all getting from birth to death the best way we know how, and in doing so, we each have skills and experiences to share. No one is above learning something new or lacking in the ability to contribute. Come on in, the water’s fine.
Meet Our Founders & Supporters
Community is everything. Come, join ours.
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